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This 77 page digital workbook is designed to give you all the techniques needed to add Tarot to your self care toolbox. It will show you how to:


* Balance life areas using basic life coaching techniques

* Establish what is most important to you

* Set achievable goals

* Use a priority matrix

* Formulate an action plan

* Create To Do and Not To Do lists

* Schedule your time effectively by batching tasks

* Form healthy habits using habit trackers

* Create card spreads that help you focus on specific areas

+ more


Some readers use the Tarot to tell them their future, and some use the cards as a way to prompt thinking and reflect on issues at hand. I have taken to using the tarot deck for therapy purposes; I find that using the cards allows me to have a conversation with myself about what is on my mind superficially as well as provide a way to tap into my subconscious. The cards act as facilitator of the session and I go where they lead. When I am struggling to make decisions I consult the cards and allow them to ask me questions about what is going on. I have found this infinitely helpful in reaching my true feelings about the situations that arise in my life.


Whether you use the deck to delve deeper into personal issues or to divine your future, it’s up to you. The intent of this workbook is to spark thought in the user in terms of personal growth and/or exploring your mind. Which cards do you like, and which are you less fond of? Think about why that may be and if there is room for any closer examination. Tarot is all about connecting with yourself on a personal and emotional level.


Workbook includes:


* Introduction to Life Areas

* Goal Setting Templates

* Creating an Action Plan using To Do Lists

* Forming Healthy Habits Checklists

* 24 Card Spreads

* Additional pages for notes

+ more


Tarot ritual is an excellent addition to the toolbox as it helps to facilitate deeper thought. Card spreads are good at asking questions you may not have thought to ask yourself, and the cards you draw can also provide answers you weren’t expecting. If looking at one (or more) of the life areas leaves you with a question mark in your brain and you are struggling to come up with any goals or actions, a tarot spread can spark thoughts.


Table of Contents:


Introduction to Life Areas

Learn about the basic life areas that apply to everyone, and how to begin the process of balancing them as a form of self care.


Goal Setting

Take a closer look at what your needs are in order to achieve balance in life areas that are lacking. Identify desires, brainstorm the possibilities, and set achievable goals.


Create an Action Plan

With your goals in mind, determine a plan of action, embrace change and move forward. Create a timeline and use trackers to help stick to a schedule.


Forming Healthy Habits

Forming healthy habits will help you in maintaining forward momentum and getting closer to achieving the goals you have set out for yourself.


Life Areas and Tarot Ritual

How you can incorporate the elements of life coaching into your tarot rituals for personal development and greater self care.

Tarot for Self Care Workbook LEVEL TWO

C$35.00 Regular Price
C$18.00Sale Price
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    * Print it at home and pop into a binder or folder for your own use for cheaper than it would be to buy a hard copy from me

    * Print the journal template pages as many times as you need

    * You can highlight and mark up as much as you want, then print a fresh copy

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